Selasa, 01 Juni 2021

10 Young Indonesian Female Artists - DUNIAKANA

10 Young Indonesian Female Artists

At the end of last August, Jakarta Art Week 2019 was officially held for the public by the Governor of DKI Jakarta, Anies Baswedan. This event itself is a week of fine arts celebrations in the city of Jakarta initiated by MRA Media, and supported by the DKI Jakarta Provincial Government, Enjoy Jakarta, MRT Jakarta, Trans Jakarta and Dove Indonesia.

Held from August 26 to September 15 2019, Jakarta Art Week 2019 invites the people of Jakarta - especially pedestrians - to be able to enjoy art works along Jalan Sudirman. In the first year of its implementation, this show features 10 works of female artists at 21 bus stops along Jalan Sudirman with the theme Perempuan Bicara Seni.

10 seniman perempuan yang ikut berpartisipasi meriahkan pameran tersebut; Ajeng Martia, Cempaka Surakusumah, Dian Suci, Patricia Untario, Budi Asih, Maharani Mancanagara, Sanchia, Hanggita Dewi, Theresia Agustina Sitompul, Saputri, Kalya Risangdaru . The theme is "My hair. My words." Dove Indonesia together with ten female artists who support Jakarta Art Week hope to give confidence to all women regardless of the hairstyle they choose.

Want to know more about the ten female artists who contributed to Jakarta Art Week 2019? Check out their profile below:

1. Patricia Untario

10 Young Indonesian Female Artists; Patricia Untario

The meaning of "My hair, my words" for Patricia is that every woman has a different character and has the right to voice her thoughts and determine her life path. Hair is a woman's crown that has its own beauty regardless of its shape. Like a woman who pays more attention to taking care of her hair, a woman must also be able to have a strong stance and have a great love for herself.

Through her work, Patricia Untario wants to show that how to express herself from each individual cannot be a determinant or an obstacle in achieving the highest achievement and life goals. Patricia Untario is a female artist who consistently uses glass material combined with the play of light so that her works have their own characteristics and uniqueness.

2. Budi Asih

10 Young Indonesian Female Artists; Budi Asih

Taking the theme Tulus, Budi Asih interpreted the artwork "My Hair, I Said" to be a means of expressing gratitude for the gift from God Almighty in interpreting life and life. This work tells the story of a strong woman who, in the midst of various activities and responsibilities, is always an entertainer for her family and the center of attention because of her feelings.

That meaning is also contained in the hair, which grows and lives full of love until it finally falls down beautifully with charm, spreading awe to every eye that sees. For Budi Asih, a woman who is consistent in creating works of art is a choice and a challenge in life without compromising her duties as a wife or a mother who becomes a balancer in the household.

According to him, through works of art, a woman can express her voice, ideas, and ideas based on her limitless imagination so that she is able to provide positive energy, enthusiasm and hope for herself and others so that she can make her a human being who gives blessings to the universe. Budi Asih is an artist from Yogyakarta whose works tell a lot about the journey of life and human life in nature, in which there is a hope for a peaceful life.

3. Dian Suci

10 Young Indonesian Female Artists; Dian Suci

Taking the theme "Spelling the body, immersing the spirit", for Dian Suci the meaning of "My Hair, I Said" is the process of immersing herself as a woman - which to be honest is never easy because she is composed of layers of reality that make up her body.

Women, like Drupadi at the gambling table, are sheets of cloth that are never endlessly opened and read. Like exchanging catch and let go, the value will never be right and end no matter how close we are to it. Until the end of the day, he took off his hair and shared a secret.

According to Dian Suci's view, a woman has beautiful hair and a beautiful face that unite together to become the best work that God might create for her, making women's hair a very valuable work to decorate the beauty of the whole of a woman. Dian Suci is an artist from Yogyakarta who in her works as a whole often talks about the world of women and the things that surround them.

4. Hanggita Dewi

Hanggita Dewi

Taking the theme of Anatomical Senses, Hanggita interprets "My Hair, My Words" as experiencing an existence crisis which is not easy for someone in their twenties, or for all ages. For Hanggita, mental health problems are still not taken seriously in Indonesian society, but this should be paid more attention and explored further for the development of a more active and productive person.

Lack of self-love is also one of the reasons for the decline in mental health in our individuals. As a result, the energy expended on activities and productivity decreases. The inspiration for Hangita Dewi's work is taken from self-love or love for oneself which is the seed for personal growth that can develop to make our nation better.

For him, self-love can come in various dimensions. External factors can be a reference for someone to love himself. Not only caring for the face and body, maintaining the beauty of hair is also a form of self-love. Isn't there a saying, "Hair is a woman's crown"? Hanggita Dewi is an artist born in 1995 who has worked and participated in various joint exhibitions. Hanggita also won several mural competitions in 2015 and 2016.

5. Kalya Risangdaru

Kalya Risangdaru

Kalya Risangdaru's work "My Hair, My Words" is made from a personal view as a woman who was born with curly hair, thick, fluffy, and difficult to groom. "Since I was in school, my friends used to make fun of me because I have lion hair. Because of that, I've always been more confident when I put my hair in a ponytail.

But lately, I've slowly started to learn to love the natural texture of my hair without being braided or blown. , I learned to regain the confidence to let my hair loose and show hair texture," said Kalya. For him, a woman must believe that she has the power to determine her own physical appearance without being disturbed by the opinions of others.

"Whatever they say, my life must go on. Even if you cut these unkempt curls, they'll grow back later, right? Say as they please because life moving forward is not determined by your opinions." Kalya Risangdaru, who was born in Jakarta in 1993, wants to convey the issues that occur within women and that painting becomes an appropriate medium for connoisseurs of works who are free to interpret the visuals presented themselves and seek closeness with each other.6. Maharani Mancanagara

For Maharani, "My Hair, My Word" presents the issue of freedom of expression for women with a variety of different cultural backgrounds. Just like hair that varies, whatever the shape, a woman will still look beautiful and elegant.

By taking a dance move, this work becomes a symbol that freedom of expression is not defined by long, short, curly or straight hair. Maharani Mancanagara is an artist born in Padang in 1990 who in each of his works often explores the history of Indonesia in accordance with his personal and family experiences.

7. Ajeng Martia Saputri

Ajeng Martia Saputri

With the work "Rambut Aku, Kata Aku", Ajeng wants to show that as a woman, Ajeng lives in the midst of demands to have a physique according to the standards that exist in society. According to Ajeng Martiasa Putri, the process of creating helps her to define the meaning of beauty according to herself.

Her work tells the story of a woman's hair made with flower arrangements similar to flower embroidery which illustrates the process of interpreting the meaning of the word beautiful. The process of doing it is not as easy as sewing thread by strand to form the desired image. With the theme "Be You, Do you, For You",

Ajeng wants to share the message that the definition of beautiful returns to oneself, from oneself, and to oneself. Ajeng Martia Saputri is an artist born in Semarang. His work talks a lot about the personal realm because for him, his work has a therapeutic effect. He began to explore various mediums ranging from cloth to resin, 3 dimensional and 2 dimensional.

8. Sanchia


Taking the theme "Wild Strands", the work "My Hair, I Say" by Sanchia tells about his personal experiences. "Like my hair, which I sometimes force silence, I force it to wavy, I force it to remain black and cut it into pieces, but there are only two strands that are always wild, rejecting perfection," he said.

For Sanchia, his hair will never forget to remind him of the original world. Like a woman who must always be a symbol of beauty no matter how she is formed Although sometimes wild, his hair is also very submissive. Her hair never struggles too hard. It is imperfect but strong, powerful, live with love, and conquer the world.

Sanchia Hamidjaja was born in 1983 in Jakarta. In his works, he is very inspired by comics, cartoons, and dialogues in everyday life. Many of his works are in the form of pictures and murals.

9. Theresia Sitompul

Theresia Sitompul

Theresia shared that the inspiration for "My Hair, I Said" has a message: whoever you are, you have your own style, you have your own personality, you have your own attitude, and other people will see and respect you.

Theresia Agustina Sitompul is an artist born in Pasuruan who often includes elements of concern for the environment in works of art. As an artist, Theresia does not forget to invite us to protect the environment as much as we take care of ourselves.

10. Cempaka Surakusumah

Cempaka Surakusumah

Through the work "Hair Aku Kata Aku", Cempaka wants to show that what makes a woman different is if she has a hand in determining what she wants to do and what she wants to choose in living her life.

A woman has the right to have a statement and freedom to be herself. Hair is one of the female personas, where the characteristics of a woman can also be seen from her hair. The depiction of works through geometric abstract compositions resembling different haircuts is a visualization of the beautiful feeling that emanates from a woman when she makes her choice and believes in herself.

Cempaka Surakusumah is an artist born in 1987. His work is heavily influenced by emotions or feelings. Something that cannot be described in a realist form, which can only be felt, and which can be developed into various forms and approaches.

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